If you spend more time with them, or use games and videos to help them focus on one thing, they will not notice their discomfort for a while. Enjoying those happy moments is enough to keep their mood stable throughout the day. The same is true for tablets. Even if brilliant games and movies can create instant joy, the focus is on human companionship and attention.
In addition to family members and medical popular database staff, in the future, Beijing Medical University will also not rule out contact with neighboring communities and elementary schools, and invite retired teachers and volunteers to serve as bedside teachers for interactive teaching. If elementary school children are willing to go to the smart classroom, get along with sick children, use Tablet play and learning, I believe can introduce more positive effects.
About Samsung Taiwan's "Smarter Classroom in Hospital" program: In 2016, under an accidental opportunity, Taiwan Samsung helped children with leukemia to realize their dreams through technology products, and thus saw the needs of children in different fields. The sick children receiving treatment in the hospital can also continue to learn through technology. In the future, we also look forward to bringing in more positive influence from the outside world to give children the motivation to continue treatment.